A little gambling here and there can be fun, but when it becomes a habit and interferes with your life, you need to stop. The effects of gambling can be serious, including debt, lost relationships and a lack of self-control. If you’re concerned about gambling, you can talk to a counsellor for support and advice.
Frequently Gamble When Feeling Depressed, Helpless or Guilty
A gambler may find it difficult to stop when they are feeling depressed, hopeless or guilty. They may also gamble when they are having an argument with their partner or are experiencing feelings of loneliness. They often feel that gambling will solve these problems and will rely on others to give them money to fund their gambling activities.
Have a Problem Gambling Addiction
The brain releases dopamine when you gamble, which makes you feel good and can make it hard to control your gambling. This can lead to a disorder called compulsive gambling, where you lose control of your behavior and need to continue betting even when it causes you harm.
Know Your Limits
Gambling should be budgeted as an expense, just like going out for dinner. Don’t let your bank account go down while you’re gambling, or you could end up losing everything.
Set a dollar limit before you gamble and stick to it. This way, you’ll have more money for the things that matter most to you.
Expect to Lose
The odds of winning are always against you, no matter what game you’re playing. So, accept that you’ll lose and don’t play more than you can afford to lose.
Get Help for Gambling addiction
If you have a problem gambling, you should seek professional help from a trained counselor or psychologist. They can help you understand your problem and provide information on coping skills. They can also help you address underlying mood disorders that might be driving your gambling behavior.
Learn to cope with emotions and boredom that can trigger problematic gambling behaviors
Gambling may be a way for you to relieve unpleasant feelings, such as loneliness or stress, in a healthy way. However, if it’s taking over your life and you can’t stop, there are healthier ways to deal with these emotions that don’t involve gambling.
Ask yourself why you’re gambling and what you want to do with your time and money while you’re doing it. Then, decide whether you want to change your habits and cut back on gambling.
Seek treatment for co-occurring mental health issues such as depression or anxiety that are contributing to your gambling problems and can affect how you feel about yourself. You might also need to talk with a medical practitioner about prescription medications that can help treat your symptoms.
Become More Informed About the Risks of Gambling
Many people don’t realize how risky gambling is. They can lose large amounts of money without realizing it and be harmed financially, mentally, or emotionally.
Using credit cards and other types of loans to fund gambling is also not a good idea. This is called debt trapping and can cause serious financial damage.